Had a hankering to go down Loughborough canal, so I donned my trusty raincoat and walking boots and set off into the drizzle! Being out of the country for a fortnight, great as it was, meant I've missed a chunk of our own spring so I didn't want to leave it another week before I got out there and saw what I'd missed. Good thing I did! Taking a leaf out of
Rima Staines' book, literally, I took home my pictures to try and identify all the new plants I found. I did pretty well!
Even the stinging nettles clean up good |
Red dead-nettle |
Early Catkins on a White Willow tree |
Flowering oilseed rape |
A bit soon for mushrooms isn't it? |
Lady's Smock by the canal |
Not a flower |
Even with the intermittent rain, it was a lovely walk. The sun came out for quick, bright bursts, and even the steady
plop of rain has something refreshing and reassuring about it. I got further than I did last time. Maybe I should devote a whole day to following the canal and see just how far I get...
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