My housemate Emily and I went for a walk along the canal to Barrow last weekend. It was a perfect January day, a little muddy but everything cold and bright and frosty. It's a nice easy walk and I really enjoyed being able to share it with her and spend so much time with her, all 7.5 miles of it...
It took me a while to get on board with the idea. Having spent so many of my post-teenage years trying to see myself as a reasonably-normal-shaped human being and not some flabby mutant monster type thing, I find weight-loss quite a tricky concept in some ways. "You mean after all that practise at accepting who I am, I now have to admit there's something wrong with me?" Everybody has a problem with a bit of their body. Everybody wants to be 'OK' so that people won't run a mile as they approach, and it's taken me a while to understand that actually I'm fine. There's nothing really wrong with me, and in fact there's a lot right with me. I've not got the perfect body, if such a thing even exists, but 'not perfect' is definitely 'good enough'. In fact there's some bits of myself I really like now. My legs are pretty good, I like my hands, and I get my wrists and neck from my Mum.
Also I'm inherently lazy. Ok, that's not true, but I am a Deliberator. I spend a lot of time in my own head and I'd rather be knowledgeable than thin or sporty, so this whole exercise business holds less water for me than most things when I could be sitting in my room being pretentiously cerebral instead. And I get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Exercise just for the sake of exercising is not much fun. However if I'm doing something else that is interesting, and exercise happens to be a bi-product of me doing it, then that's fine. Hence all the walks and general outdoorsness of the last few months. Outdoors I like. It's worth incidentally exercising to get myself Outdoors.
Trying out new recipes. We made fritatta! |
If you want to check out her progress, introduce yourself, or say something nice to her (yesterday was her birthday), you can find progress updates on her blog, Thin Girl Breaking Free.
I'm a little too emotional right now to talk to you in person and I can't describe what this means to me. Thank you.