Monday 28 November 2011

I've been busy!

Mainly making little Bible story videos for church.  They've been doing readings at the start of easch session from the book of Acts and to make them more interesting some of us have been asked to knock up some different ways of getting the story across.  My friend Amy did a few doodle-videos, shutting ourselves up with bag of Playmobil and a lot of felt tip pens for an hour or two and despite a distinct lack of useful software they seem to be going down rather well.

Acts, Chapter One:

Acts, Chapter Two:

Also have been doing a few snippets for a Bible Overview Course, basically a whistle-stop tour through the Bible, looking at the main themes, journeys and plotlines.  I was in the class last time and found it fascinating and hugely helpful - the Bible is a pretty hefty book and it can be easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of what's going on and who everyone is- but this time I'm helping provide resources.  Currently we're on Abraham and Moses, so there's a lot of maps going an and also some cut-in-halfable animals that we're using to explain the concept of sacrifices in the ancient world.

Exodus: Part 1

Exodus: Part 2

Summary of the Life of Moses (teaching aid: no sound)

And on top of that I've been doing some sketches to illustrate a talk on the story of Ruth and Naomi.  It was great to read it again, now that I'm a bit older I see things in it I didn't see before.  It's not just a sweet story for kids, it deals with issues of pain, selflessness, poverty, work, being a foreigner and stranger in a new place, and there's a bit of a romance in there too!  Someone should really make a film of this.

I love the big hair I gave her.  After seeing Alex Kingston play River Song in the most recent seasons of Doctor Who, and the trailers of the upcoming Pixar film Brave with Princess Merida's gorgeous ginger curls I am all over big hair.  In retrospect I think I could have made it even bigger!

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