You think you know a town just because you have your day to day routines, your favourite haunts, and your regular aquaintances. You think you know a town that is ordinary, but you don't. Right below the surface, tucked away in back rooms and modified sheds, is a vast well of incredible people with hard-won and well-nurtured talents and interests you never saw before in your life.

A group of local artists put on an Art Trail event - rather than putting paintings in a gallery, these awesome craftspeople opened up their homes and used them to display their work. Maps were provided to get you from house to house, and a small donation bought you a sticker that gave you access to all of these. It was such a great idea (besides being great for us nosy people) as it gave a really sociable and informal setting to the show. Kids were running about in the gardens, and many of the displays were actually set up in the workshops as well as the homes, giving an extra bit of insight into the character of the artist and how they make their work. (Names and contacts included where displayed)
A shared shed wall taken over for the day by Barbara Bagley |
Willow weavings adding a new look to the neighbourhood! |

On the way there I happened to pass a sign reading 'Open Garden', and stopped to investigate. There is a house, right beside a roundabout, that always has an immaculate and very well-loved garden. They've even built a sculpture for the Olympic Torch, which passed right along that road as it came through Loughborough. On this particular day the owners of the house had opened up their back garden to visitors. It was really nice being able to chat with someone who I'd never normally see in my everyday travels and seeing another hidden side to Loughborough. I came away with a chocolate cake tucked in my bag - I don't know what it is about Grandma Cake (cake made by grandmothers) but it's always so much nicer than any other cake you could get hold of. I expect it's just the years of experience needed to turn out a sponge as lovely as that one was! Something for me to work towards...

And last, but not at all least, I have moved into my (temporary) new house. My books are staying in their boxes until the next, more permanent move, but my desk stuff, art kit and framed pictures are out, which always makes a place feel more homelike. Anyway, my housemate Katie is a belly dancer and
Tarboush, the Middle Eastern cafe in town, has asked her to do performances there on their busy nights. I had to miss her first one but went along for the second and it was absolutely fascinating to watch. I'd seen her so rehearsals and group performances but never a solo, and when you have time to really look at the moves it's a beautiful art form to watch (plus Katie's pretty stunning by herself, which doesn't hurt either!)
I love the painting with the yellow bird on the wire. So simple yet it changes everything.