I've been away. Where? Everywhere!
As part of my job, I'm required to spend a month going round the UK. We're doing some marketing with the companies we want to work with, and the university students we'll be working to help. It's just me and my colleague Paul, and I've got the task of planning the entire thing, from where we'll park right down to where we'll sleep.
This is both hugely stressful and inconvenient (as will be away from my home for the best part of a month, and doing lots of work in the evenings), yet also very exciting. It appeals greatly to my sense of adventure, and I'm intrigued to see the parts of England I haven't thought to visit before.
This sculpture at Roker is based around the idea of navigation. The centre encircles the lighthouse, while the constellations are picked out around the outside. Appropriate. And good to sit in. |
We're travelling the length and breadth of Merrie Englande in an obnoxiously orange MINI which I, being a few weeks shy of the age needed to go on the business insurance policy, don't have to drive. This suits me fine as I'm a terrible city driver anyway (I'm too polite) and it means I get to look out the window a lot.
Although most of our stops are whistle-short, it's often enough to get the taste of a place. What I'm enjoying most so far is seeing the different geographies of Britain. Since I don't have to drive I can stare out the window a lot. There's so much variety, but one commonality in it all...